Thursday, January 28, 2010

Muthukumar Photo


மாவீரன் முத்துக்குமார் நினைவேந்தல்

ஓ.. வீரனே,
எங்கள் மண்ணில்
உன் பெயர்
எழுதி வைக்கப்படும்
உன் கதை
-காசி ஆனந்தன்

2010 சனவரி 29 வெள்ளி,


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

ஆர்ப்பாட்டம் செய்த 46 பெ.தி.கவினர் கைது

பாண்டிச்சேரியிலிருந்து மாகி செல்லும் தொடர்வண்டியை கோவை சந்திப்பு வழியாக இயக்கக்கோரி ஆர்ப்பாட்டம் செய்த 46 பேர் பொதுச்செயலாளர் கோவை.இராமகிருட்டிணன் தலைமையில் கைது செய்யப்பட்டுள்ளனர். பாண்டிச்சேரி - மாகி தொடர்வண்டியானது கோவை புறநகரிலுள்ள போத்தனூர் தொடர்வண்டி நிலையம் வழியாக செல்கிறது. இது பொதுமக்கள் பலருக்கு சிரமத்தினை ஏற்படுத்துகிறது. எனவே பாண்டிச்சேரி மாகி தொடர்வண்டியினை கோவை சந்திப்பு தொடர்வண்டி நிலையம் வழியாக இயக்கக்கோரி பெரியார் திராவிடர் கழகத்தின் பொதுச்செயலாளர் தலைமையில் தலைமை செயற்குழு உறுப்பினர் வெ.ஆறுச்சாமி உட்பட 46 பேர் கோவை தொடர்வண்டி நிலையம் முன்பாக இன்று (19.01.2010) மாலை 5 மணியளவில் ஆர்ப்பாட்டம் செய்து கைதாகியுள்ளனர்.

Monday, January 18, 2010


போத்தனூர் வழியகா செல்லும் பாண்டிசேரி ரயிலை கோவை வழியகா விட கோரி, கோவை ரயில் நிலையம் முன்பு ஆர்ப்பாட்டம்.
தலைமை கு.ராமகிருட்டிணன்.
மாலை 4 மணி.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Thanthai Periyar


Friday, January 15, 2010



Thursday, January 14, 2010


There Is No God
There Is No God At All
He Who Invented God Is A Fool
He Who Propagates God Is A Knave
He Who Worships God Is A Primitive


Tuesday, January 12, 2010


People praise the Tirukural but in practice they cherish the Gita which is directly opposed to it!
Valluvar's Kural is impelled by ideas that are in accordance with practical knowledge, and in tune with Nature and Science. Those who study the Kural deeply will certainly attain a consciousness of self - respect. Knowledge of politics, knowledge of society and knowledge of economics are all embedded in it. The Tirukural is a work that is so written as to teach society noble traits and proper conduct by pointing to a moral path and fostering ethical principles. That is why peoples of all religion, all over, adore the Kural as their work or as one that agrees with the principles of their religion. It is my firm conviction that the kural was especially created to demonstrate that the arts, culture, ethics and conduct of the Tamils were vastly different from and antithetical to those of the Aryans. Only because we regard Valluvar as a man, a great man, who strove of the removal of the ills of the people so that human qualities could be nurtured, we accept his kural. We do not accept it as divine utterance or inspired Apocalypse. It is better to read ten kural for knowledge, than a hundred songs of kambaRamayana or two hundred songs of periapurana, or kandapurana. If any one asks you what yours religion is say that you belong to the ' Valluvar Religion ' and if you are asked what your moral code is , say that it is the kural . The kural is so irrefutable that no conservative or crafty person will dare to oppose you. The Tirukural will pave a lofty way for the eradication of superstition and the enlargement of knowledge. The thoughts of the kural should be spread throughout the country. It should be brought about that education means the learning of the kural and knowledge means, the awareness of the kural. The author of the kural did not accept God, Heaven and Hell, You could find only Virtue, wealth and Love in the Kural; ' Salvation ' and ' Final Bliss ' are not alluded to by the author. In the Kural, there is a chapter on invocation to God, but there is no place in it for principles of idol worship. Valluvar has invoked God though eight or nine concepts only to show how man should conduct himself and to make him understand life's ethical conduct and status. The kural is not devotional book. It is not also a book of theology to reveal God; nor is it a book of religious doctrines for evangelism. It only teaches true and egalitarian conduct which is agreeable to all. He who has intelligence and beholds to knowledge as supreme and he who has the capacity to think and investigate will certainly respect and admire the kural, follow it to some extent at least and keep it as his guide. The kural embodies in it ethics and practical ways of life, based on experience. The kural is a treasure house of knowledge. It is a work bound by reason.



Saturday, January 9, 2010

About Periyar

Periyar was born at ( 1879 sep 17 ) Erode town in Tamil Nadu State – India . Father VENKATA NAICKER a popular rich merchant,Mother CHINNA THAYAMMAL alias MUTHAMMAL. He was sent to a small primary school normally run at a House - pial in those days. His school career ended within 5 years.After two year he entered his father’s trade.In 1895 He used to hear Tamil Vaishnav religious Gurus talks on mythologies at his house, enjoying hospitability of his parents. As a boy, he started questioning the contradictions and absurdities in the fables of Hindu deities spread by the Arya Race ie., Brahmins for subjugating Dravidian Race.Blossoming of rationalism and atheism slowly in the mind of this youth - Ramasamy.In 1898 He married NAGAMMAL, aged 13.He reformed his orthadox wife and sowed rationalistic views in her mind. In 1900 He became the father of a female - child which expired within 5 months and thereafter had no children.After 1904 He reached Kaasi (Varanasi), a noted sacred town of Hindu pilgrimage on the bank of the River Ganges. There he could not get free meals easily at choultries which exclusively fed Brahmins forbidding other Hindu castes. Having starved severely for some days, this handsome young man Ramasamy found no other better way than to enter a choultry with the appearance of a Brahmin wearing a thread on his bare chest. But his moustache betrayed him. So the gate-keeper not only prevented his entry but also pushed him rudely to the street. At that moment, as the feast was over inside the choultry, the leaves with food left over were thrown at the street. The unbearable burning hunger for the past few days forced Ramasamy to compete with the street - dogs in eating the remnants of food in the leaves. While eating that food, the eyes of Ramasamy looked at the letters carved on the front wall of the building. They revealed the truth that the choultry exclusively occupied by the highest caste viz., Brahmins, had been built only by a wealthy merchant of Dravidian Race from Tamil Nadu. Suddenly in the mind of this young man, some questions could have sparked such as: "Why and how the Brahmins can obstruct the Dravidians from taking meals in the choultry although the choultry was built with the money of a Dravidian Philanthropist? Why the Brahmins behaved so mercilessly and fanatically as to push the communities of the Dravidian race even to starvation - death by adamantly enforcing their evil casteism?". No justifiable answers came to convince the judicious thinking of Periyar on the above questions. The disgrace inflicted by the Brahmins at KAASI upon him without the least mercy, made a deep wound in the heart of Periyar and it inflamed intense hatred towards that Aryan race and their creation of innumerable Gods. Though Kasi (Varanasi) has been acclaimed as the most "sacred town" by the Brahmins, the worst ugly scenes of immoral activities, prostitution, cheating, looting, begging crowds for alms, floating dead bodies on the River Ganges turned Periyar to abhor that so-called holy-town. Consequently, a re-thinking on his renunciation led him to return to his family life. On returning to Erode - his father delegated all his trade rights to this second son and renamed his major commercial concern under the title: "E.V. Ramasamy Naicker Mandi". In 1905 onwards, Besides being a well-known wealthy businessman in Erode Mr. E.V.R. entered into public life by rendering social services selflessly. One noteworthy instance: Once the dreadful contagious disease plague attacked Erode. Hundreds of people died and thousands fled for saving their life. But this noble man did not desert his native town like other rich merchants. He himself carried the dead bodies to the cremation ground while even the close kith and kin did not touch them for last rites due to the fear of the contagion of the plague disease. He commanded enormous influence over other traders in the bazaar street of Erode. He mediated and solved many disputes among the businessmen with neutrality and uprightness. In his youthful years he was attracted by the Tamil scholar Pandithamani Ayothidhaasar who vehemently condemned the caste - system and Hindu religion of Brahmins with the principles of rationalism and Buddhism. Despite his intense hatred towards the Hindu religion and its caste - system - particularly the cruel 'Untouchability' imposed by the Brahmins to supress the Dravidian race - the executive efficiency and the unshakable honesty of E.V.R. fetched the awards of many posts in various public institutions. Periyar was made Honorary Magistrate by the British Government. He held many honorary positions like the President, the Secretary, Vice-President etc., in various public institutions numbering 29 such as - District Board, Taluk Board, Urban Bank, Davasthanam (Religious Trust), Public Library, War Recruitment Committee, Association of Agriculturists, Association of Merchants, Mahajana School Committee... etc., In 1906 There was a Tamil Scholar by name: Pulavar Marudhaiya Pillai at Karur. His logical arguments and daring condemnation of Hindu religion, caste-system, deceptive myths in the epics and Vedic sasthras spread by the Brahmins, had attracted admiration of even the ordinary rural people in the areas around Erode and Karur. His bosom - friendship played a major role in inculcating atheism firmly in the mind of Periyar and in moulding the latter as a probing rational thinker.Intimacy of another Tamil Scholar Sage KAIVALYAM had also enriched the rational intuition of Periyar. Many higher officials and learned persons like Engineer P.V. MANICKA NAICKER befriended this Erode Beacon, because of his progressive views. In 1909, Unyielding to stiff protest of orthodox family members, Periyar arranged the remarriage of his sister's daughter who became a child widow at the age of 9.....


Thursday, January 7, 2010

Thiruvengdam Velupillai Passes Away

Thiruvengdam Velupillai, the father of LTTE leader Mr. V. Pirapaharan, passed away following a brief illness in Panagoda Sri Lanka Army camp Wednesday night.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Periyar Photos



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