Thursday, May 8, 2008


Periyar Ramasami (1879-1973) was known as the Voltaire (1694-1778) of South India, particularly, in Tamil Nadu. Both were rationalists who aroused their people to realize that all men are equal and it is the birthright of every individual to enjoy liberty, equality and fraternity.
Periyar was born in an affluent family on 17th September 1879 in ERODE City. His parents were deeply religious and they frequently arranged religious discourses to be given at a temple or in other Public places. While all the other members of the family listened to the discourses with great devotion even in his early teens Ramasami displayed a keen rationalistic tendency. Periyar the Socrates of South East Asia, the Prophet of the new age, father of the social reform movement, arch enemy of Ignorance and Suprestitions. Rightly declared the UNESCO in its award.
Periyar identified the women to reserve a cook at home, a maid in the house, a nurse during sickness, a breeding farm of a family, a decorated doll in bed and what not. In every aspect she was nothing but slave for man. The sad state of women was what Periyar decried. As the Courageous fighter for the cause of exploited weaker sections of society no wonder he took up the uplift of suffering women. Periyar emphasized women's education. He had no private life. His self sacrifice was unparalleled. He saved every paisa and his entire property was given to the Public.

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